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Terry Doubleday

Terry joined BasOp in 1966 his first show was The Rebel Maid and a favourite show that he has been in was Die Fledermaus. Shows he would love to have the chance to be part of are Brigadoon and Camelot and his all time favourite show is Charlie Girl.
Terry has lived all his life in Langdon Hills (part of his family since the 1700s), he played cricket since 1957 until a bad knee injury stopped him playing but he remains Chairman and has been for the last 20 years its Chairman.
He joined the Wolf Cubs in 1951 and stayed with the Scout movement ending
as District Cub Scout Leader for Basildon, he is still in scouting but in a support role.
Terry was on BasOp’s committee for 27 years and became the society archivist, he has been married to his wife Joan for 50 years!